Counterculture Con HQ

December 28, 2010

MULTI-CULTI: Teacher is sued by Muslims for speaking about ham in class

The big pernil.

Wow, our Muslim immigrants are so oppressed!  Since before the age of refrigeration, a staple of the Spanish diet has been the salted ham.  Salt keeps the meat from spoiling for months and perhaps even years.  And that’s why the Spaniards have been eating it since time immemorial.  But all that will be a thing of the past under the New Caliphate.  Below, an inkling of things to come as Europe slowly but surely becomes Islamized.

According to the account of the facts, the teacher was explaining the different climates in a geography class and cited the village of Trevelez due to its cold and dry climate. According to the newspaper account, ”as a story, the teacher told his students that such a climate was conducive to making hams (this refers to the procedure that it’s necessary between the pig is killed and the ham is actually ready to be eaten). Then the student asked the teacher not to speak of hams since it offended him, because he was a Muslim. ”

The teacher told the students that in his classes, he did not consider the religion of their students, but apparently the family did not stay at home when they learned the facts, to the extent that they went to the National Police to file a complaint without speaking in advance with the teacher.

According to ”El Diario de Cádiz“, the teacher “is accused of being the author of an alleged crime of abuse of workers, also alleging racist and xenophobic motives. “ His school colleagues can’t believe what has happened and speak about the impeccable record of teaching reported.


December 27, 2010

DC Comics French superhero is…Muslim from Algeria

Muslim superhero, Nightrunner

Just when you thought modern Liberalism couldn’t outdo itself.  Via Big Hollywood, political correctness at its most absurd.  DC Comics should change it’s name to PC comics.  Their new “French” superhero is an Algerian immigrant who — get this– prays to Allah.  You got it– a Muslim superhero (any Bible-believing superheros in the DC pantheon?)  What’s more, this superhero saves France from “neo-nazis” and other assorted whiteys, but not Muslim extremists!  lol.  Come to think of it, the whole thing makes perfect sense–France will soon be Muslim, and apparently there isn’t a Frenchman with the balls to stand up to this, let alone qualify for superhero status.  In other words, DC comics is way ahead of the curve.

Meet the New Batman: An Algerian Muslim Who Saves France from Nazis and Communists

DC Comics recently launched a series called “Batman Incorporated.” Essentially, Bruce Wayne (well-known as Batman’s alter ego to comics fans) is cruising the world setting up a “Batman” for major cities across the globe. These Batman figures, though, will not be vigilantes. They will be sanctioned by whatever local police force is in charge of the area in which the new Batman is operating.

The story reveals to us a cult-like group that is assassinating France’s fringe political figures. The cult’s goal is to cause unrest and riots to be led by the murdered political figure’s followers. This group hypnotizes its members to kill and then to commit suicide so that the cult cannot be discovered.

Batman turns to a man that he helped police arrest earlier in part one. When first encountered the young man was dressed in a skin-tight, black costume and sported a face mask. Batman arrested him when this man tried to involve himself in some rioting. Batman didn’t know the young masked man was actually trying to stop the riot but later learns of his good intentions. Consequently the Dark Knight decides to put this man to work to help stop the cult that is assassinating French political figures and causing riots.

In the course of this story Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, decides that this man should become the French representative of Batman Incorporated. As Wayne styles the man, he’ll be the “French savior.” He ends up calling himself Nightrunner.

So what’s wrong with all this? Only that it is completely absurd and so badly misleads people from any understanding of why riots are really going on in France that it almost qualifies as a crime itself.

You see, DC Comics has decided that the “French savior,” the French Batman is to be a Muslim immigrant. The character’s name is Bilal Asselah and he is an Algerian Sunni Muslim and an immigrant that is physically fit and adept at gymnastic sport Parkour. Apparently Batman couldn’t find any actual Frenchman to be the “French savior.”

The whole situation is a misreading of what ails France. The truth is, neither communist Union members nor “Neo-Nazi” Parties are causing riots in France. Muslims are. Yet DC Comics is absurdly making a Muslim immigrant the “French savior”? This is PCism at its worst. Not only that but it is pretty condescending to France, too. France is a proud nation. Yet DC Comics has made a foreigner the “French savior.” This will not sit well with many Frenchmen, for sure. Nor should it.


December 25, 2010

North Korea Threatens War on Christmas

The Norks hate Christmas trees too!  Remind you of somebody? lol

SOUTH Korea says a giant Christmas tree near the North Korean border will stay lit up till January 8 – a move likely to anger Pyongyang since the date marks the birthday of its heir apparent. The communist North sees the tree topped with a glowing cross as a provocative propaganda symbol.

The tree – a 29-metre metal tower strung with light bulbs – was lit up on Tuesday for the first time in seven years as marines stood guard against any cross-border attack on it.  The tree, atop a military-controlled hill near the tense land border, was due to be switched off on December 26.

”However, we have decided to keep it until early January 8, in consideration of requests from religious groups,” defence ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok told a briefing.  ”At first, we planned to keep the lighting on only briefly because of (military) burdens but we had second thoughts as it may send a message of peace to the North.”


December 24, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jesusland @ 00:05

Have yourselves an old school Christmas.

December 23, 2010

Science! Christmas Trees Should Be Removed From Public Places

War on Christmas? Heavens, no.  This is science!  Nay, medicine.

Christmas trees ‘make non-Christians feel excluded’

Researchers at Simon Fraser University in Canada, found non-Christians feel less self-assured and have fewer positive feelings if a Christmas tree was in the room. The scientists conducted the study using 77 Christians and 57 non-believers, including Buddhists and Sikhs.

The participants did not know the survey was about Christmas, and were asked to fill in questions about themselves both when a 12-inch Christmas tree was in the room and when it was not.  Non-celebrators” reported fewer positive feelings and less self-assurance in the Christmas room. Christians were mostly cheered by the tree.

Christians, however, did report feeling more guilt when a tree was in the room, which, claim the researchers, suggests the holidays can be stressful. Michael Schmitt, a social psychologist behind the research, decided to carry out the study after controversy over whether Christmas should be celebrated in public in case it offends non-Christians.

“We’re not suggesting ‘no Christmas’ or ‘no Christmas displays at all,’ but in contexts where we really do value respecting and including diversity in terms of religion, the safest option is not to have these kinds of displays.  “I understand why it might feel threatening to people.

“But I think if people do care about making a whole range of different kinds of people feel included and respected, then we can make some small changes that would go a long way toward creating a more multicultural or inclusive society. The researchers published their results in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.


Even when it hides behind “science”, Leftism reveals it’s utter illogic.  They claim they want both a multicultural and inclusive society.  But both are mutually exclusive goals.  To be “inclusive”, we must essentially sanitize away all differences lest someone feel “excluded” by another’s culture.  But multiculturalism is supposed to be about differences, which means it is BY DEFINITION the opposite of inclusive, as the celebration of one culture automatically excludes those of another culture (just as they claim Christmas does).

So which do you want, Leftards?  Multiculturalism?  Or “Inclusive.”  You cannot have both.  Now pull your heads out of your arse and try to make some sense for a change.  Or simply admit that your real goal is not “inclusivity” but the eradication of judeo-christian.

Conservatives have another word for “inclusive”, it’s called ASSIMILATION.

December 22, 2010

Leftists take offense at Santa on behalf of Muslim Immigrants Who generally don’t give a crap

A war on Christmas you say?  Why, that’s just right wing hate mongering to drum up the votes.

Immigrants aren’t the problem here.  It’s the LEFTISTS who hide behind these immigrants to impose their Judeo-christian-free “multicultural” utopia on us.  These lilly white Liberals are offended on behalf of the poor and oppressed “other”– in this case Somali immigrants– who generally don’t give a rat’s @ss and wouldn’t even occur to them in their wildest dreams to demand Christmas be banned.  It just wouldn’t.  Trust me, this is the work of Leftists. I can smell them coming a mile away.

One fewer stop for Santa this year: He’s banned from Head Start classes in St. Peter

Santa Claus, as portrayed by Dennis Jackson, won’t be visiting students at the Head Start classes in St. Peter this year.  Jackson has made appearances the past four years at the classes for students who need help preparing for school, but this year officials said, “No, no, no.”

The reason: The classes have many immigrant children who don’t celebrate Christmas, says the Mankato Free Press.

Santa’s a little frosted, the paper says.

It kind of burnt me up,” he said.

The official explanation from Chris Marben, who coordinates regional Head Start programs through Mankato-based Minnesota Valley Action Council: “We have Somali families in the program. We’re respecting the wishes of families in the program.”

She didn’t say how many objections were made, but said more than one would be enough to cancel Santa.

“The simple truth is that southern Minnesota has become a much more culturally diverse society than it was a few decades ago,” she told the paper. “Part of our challenge in Head Start is providing an environment where young children from many different cultures can all feel comfortable.”

Jackson said rather than depriving the rest of the group of the Santa experience, parents who object should take their kids out of the class during the half hour he spends talking to the kids and giving them candy.


December 21, 2010

NPR Uber Lib apologizes for saying “Christmas Party”

War on Christmas?  Why, that’s just rightwing crazy talk!

Far Left NPR news analyst propagandist, Nina Totenberg, feels that saying the word “Christmas” is something she must apologize for.  All those people celebrating the Winter Solstice at that party might have taken offense otherwise.  I generally don’t deal in gaffes taken in a vacuum; but this isn’t a gaff, it’s a classic Leftist self-reveal.  Ok, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she personally has no issue with the “C” word herself.  I can be generous.  But clearly she isn’t supposed to use such hateful and discriminatory language on the air, thus her apology for letting it slip.

Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don’t know how much money they’ve got and for what.  And I was at a – forgive the expression – Christmas party at the Department of Justice and people actually were really worried about this.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I have just one question. Why are we still–and forgive the expression–still funding NPR with our tax dollars?  If pro-religion violates the Establishment Clause, then so does anti religion; and boy are they anti religion at NPR.

Feds Force Small Town Bank to Remove Christian Symbols

Badges of encroaching Christianist theocracy

A war on Christmas you say?  What rubbish!

Below more of that “separation of church and state” bunk that Libs can’t and won’t ever find in the Constitution, but use to impose their secular fundamentalism on us anyway.  Your Christian culture, it appears, “discriminates” against non-Christians (even if it’s just Christmas schlock).  I don’t think multi-culturalism (you know, many cultures) means what they say it means.

Federal Examiners Say Religious Decoration Inappropriate

Federal Reserve examiners come every four years to make sure banks are complying with a long list of regulations. The examiners came to Perkins last week. And the team from Kansas City deemed a Bible verse of the day, crosses on the teller’s counter and buttons that say “Merry Christmas, God With Us.” were inappropriate.

The Bible verse of the day on the bank’s Internet site also had to be taken down.“I don’t think there should be a problem with them displaying whatever religious symbols they want to display,” said Amy Weierman, a Perkins resident.

Specifically, the feds believed, the symbols violated the discouragement clause of Regulation B of the bank regulations.  According to the clause, “…the use of words, symbols, models and other forms of communication … express, imply or suggest a discriminatory preference or policy of exclusion. “The feds interpret that to mean, for example, a Jew or Muslim or atheist may be offended and believe they may be discriminated against at this bank.  It is an appearance of discrimination.

But customers Eyewitness News 5 talked to said they aren’t buying it.“This is just ridiculous,” said bank customer Jim Nyles. “This whole thing is just ridiculous. We all have regulatory bodies that govern us. But this is too much.”“I think that’s absurd,” said Chelsi Holser, a bank customer. “I don’t agree with it at all. They are taking Christ out of Christmas and life.”The bank is quietly fighting for a clearer interpretation of the clause. Officials have contacted their two U.S. legislators, Rep. Frank Lucas and Sen. Jim Inhofe, and the Oklahoma Bankers Association to help.


December 20, 2010

The Red CROSS bans Christmas

A war on Christmas?  Whatever would give you such an idea, Christianists?

Apparently, the Red Cross feels Christmas might be offensive to non-Christians.  It’s logo?  Oh, that’s fine.  But Christmas?  Why, that’s tantamount to hate speech!  And stay tuned for the Leftist self-reveal at the end.

Christmas has been banned by the Red Cross from its 430 fund-raising shops.  Staff have been ordered to take down decorations and to remove any other signs of the Christian festival because they could offend Moslems.

The charity’s politically-correct move triggered an avalanche of criticism and mockery last night – from Christians and Moslems. Christine Banks, a volunteer at a Red Cross shop in New Romney, Kent, said: ‘We put up a nativity scene in the window and were told to take it out. It seems we can’t have anything that means Christmas. We’re allowed to have some tinsel but that’s it.

‘When we send cards they have to say season’s greetings or best wishes. They must not be linked directly to Christmas.  ‘When we asked we were told it is because we must not upset Moslems.’ Mrs Banks added: ‘ We have been instructed that we can’t say anything about Christmas and we certainly can’t have a Christmas tree.

‘ I think the policy is offensive to Moslems as well as to us. No reasonable person can object to Christians celebrating Christmas. But we are not supposed to show any sign of Christianity at all.’  Labour peer Lord Ahmed, one of the country’s most prominent Moslem politicians, said: ‘It is stupid to think Moslems would be offended.

Yesterday officials at the charity’s London HQ confirmed that Christmas is barred from the 430 shops which contributed more than £20million to its income last year.  ‘The Red Cross is a neutral organisation and we don’t want to be aligned with any political party or particular philosophy,’ a spokesman said.

Notice it’s lilly WHITE LIBERALS who are offended here, not Muslims.  Of course, they’re only trying to show some concern for their little ethnic pets by taking offense on behalf of Muslims and other minorities.  That’s mighty white of you, Libs!

Leftists want to ditch Christmas in order to be “neutral”.  As if acknowledging (let alone celebrating) Christmas would be “taking sides” with one side vs the other, as if celebrating a religious holiday is some kind of opening salvo in a culture war.  Gee, but I thought multiculti was a “celebration” of cultures, is it not?  Aren’t we supposed to “celebrate diversity”?  You know, like a big happy rainbow family!  But instead they give the impression that these cultures, religions and ethnicities are actually engaging in a competition, or a war about which we must all stay “neutral”.  Hmmm, this doesn’t sound like a very happy family at all.

So is this what multiculti is, Leftards?  A war?  A clash of civilizations within our own borders?  An ethnic minefield to be carefully navigated across, not celebrated?  Your slip is showing, Leftards!  And you’re right, it IS a minefield.

And given this fact, THEN WHY PROMOTE MULTI CULTI if it’s so dangerous?

Leftwing fundamentalists Ban santa during Christmas

Bad Santa: St. Nic escorted from the premises

A war on Christmas?  Poppycock!  What war on Christmas, you paranoid wingnuts!  Leftards throw baby Jesus under the bus, and now Santa.  This from the Young Man’s Christian Association, mind you (that name, too, will be dropped within the decade, mark my words).

New York City YMCA Gives Santa the Boot

A politically correct West Village YMCA has fired Ol’ St. Nick in favor of Frosty.

Kids who once thrilled at sitting on Santa’s lap at the 14th Street McBurney YMCA’s wildly popular annual holiday luncheon will now suffer the icy embrace of a talking snowman and his sidekick, an anonymous penguin, at today’s event.

Forget about bringing a list or checking it twice — Frosty doesn’t take gift requests, and doesn’t care if you’re naughty or nice.  YMCA officials, who say they are in the midst of “rebranding” the Young Men’s Christian Association to “The Y,” defended their decision.

“It wasn’t replacing; it was transitioning,” said John Rappaport, executive director of the McBurney YMCA. “We realized that change is sometimes good, and that Frosty is a great winter character who would appeal to a broader number of kids.”

The decision to ditch Father Christmas came down from McBurney branch administration, not the Y’s Chicago headquarters.  A chilly reception greeted the news that the YMCA — an organization founded to spread Christian values in 1844 — was replacing the Christmas icon with a secular cartoon character.

“Christmas is not about Jack Frost; it’s not about snowmen,” fumed Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. “We’re not talking about some secular organization that has no religious roots. If they can’t celebrate Christmas, then they should check out. What a bunch of cowards.”


December 16, 2010

Moslem/Leftist Convergence: Eric Holder Sues School that denied Moslem Teacher Mecca Pilgrimage

Mecca: infidels not welcome.

Attorney General Eric Holder has filed suit against an Illinois school district that refused to grant three weeks leave to a Moslem teacher to make the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca.  Holder claims it’s a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (you know, “racism”).  Stay tuned for CCHQ’s take on this latest multicultural atrocity from the Left.

Muslim teacher sues U.S. school for denying her three weeks leave to make Haj to Mecca

A school district is being sued for not allowing a Muslim teacher to take unpaid leave to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.  The Federal Government has brought the case on behalf of Safoorah Khan, claiming that it is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

It is the duty of every Muslim to join the million of pilgrims at the Hajj in Mecca at least once in their lifetime – and the middle school teacher had hoped to go in 2008.  Khan had started at Berkeley School, in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, in 2007 and asked for unpaid leave of three weeks to visit Saudi Arabia.

After the education district twice denied her request, Khan wrote to the board that ‘based on her religious beliefs, she could not justify delaying performing Hajj’.  She resigned shortly thereafter, according to the lawsuit filed in federal court.

Federal prosecutors say the leave was unrelated to her professional duties and was not set forth in the contract between the school district and the teachers’ union, thus violating her civil rights.  Berkeley School District compelled Khan to choose between her job and her religious beliefs, the lawsuit said.

The government asked the court to order the school district to adopt policies that reasonably accommodate its employees’ religious practices and beliefs, and to reinstate Khan with back pay and also pay her compensatory damages.

In November 2008, Khan filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which found reasonable cause that discrimination had occurred and forwarded the matter to the U.S. Justice Department.  The school district would not comment.


Two things that should jump out at you: Barack Obama will spare no effort in kissing up to the Moslem world, and Moslems in the West slowly worming their sharia law into our system.  Slowly but surely, the Left is mainstreaming the fringe.  That’s what they do.  That’s ALL they do.

Mind you, this is the same Eric Holder who refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for a clear-cut case of voter intimidation back in ’08.  The accused are black, the complainants were white– enough said about that.  Yet he finds time in his busy schedule to apply the might of the federal government to sue a school district for this.  A Leftist, after all, has his priorities!

The next thing that should kick you in the gut is the irony of these Leftists– who spare no effort in subverting Christian religious holidays in our schools, all for the sake of “inclusion” and “separation of church and state”– suing on behalf of a Moslem teacher who wants to travel to Mecca for a religious pilgrimage, a “holy” city where virtually all of this teacher’s students are considered filthy kaffirs/infidels, and are therefore unwelcome.  How very “inclusive”, wouldn’t you say!  You could get your head chopped off for traveling to Mecca without express permission if you aren’t a Moslem.  Nice field trip that would make!

Finally, the length of time this woman is asking for– THREE WEEKS — would normally be considered immensely disruptive to any classroom which then has to settle for a substitute teacher to make due while she’s gone.  This apparently matters less than a damn to this “caring” school teacher, and even less to the Eric Holder.  Ain’t multiculturalism just grand!  Gotta love the Left and politically correct garbage they keep coming up with.

December 15, 2010

Secular Perverted: Incest just like homosexuality

"Loving" father, Prof. David Epstein.

In the secular progressive la la land of moral relativism/equivalency, the notion of “consent” is the moral key stone.  It is the sole moral standard on which they base their sexual taboos.  That’s why, for example, bestiality is wrong– because the animal cannot give (verbal) consent.  It’s wrong, they believe, not because the act is necessarily vile, unnatural, and against God’s law, but because one of the parties “lacks consent.”  That’s why homosexuality, on the other hand, is perfectly excusable in their moral universe– because it involves full consent of both parties.  This is how the modern Lib defends homosexuality against comparisons to pedophilia and bestiality.  Fine.  But what if the pedophilia does involve consent?  What then?  And that’s what the perv below wants to know; and honestly, I’ve applied all the secular progressive reasoning powers at my disposal, and I can’t say I find fault in his logic!  His secular progressive reasoning is sound.

‘We Have To Figure Out Why Some Behavior Is Tolerated And Some Is Not’

The lawyer representing David Epstein, the Columbia professor accused of sleeping with his daughter, recently spoke out about his client’s controversial case.  Epstein was charged last week with one-count of third-degree incest for what was allegedly a consensual three-year sexual relationship with his 24-year-old daughter.

Epstein’s lawyer, Matthew Galluzzo, gave comment to

“Academically, we are obviously all morally opposed to incest and rightfully so,” Galluzzo said. “At the same time, there is an argument to be made in the Swiss case to let go what goes on privately in bedrooms.”
“It’s OK for homosexuals to do whatever they want in their own home,” he said. “How is this so different? We have to figure out why some behavior is tolerated and some is not.”

Galluzzo also said that even though Epstein’s daughter had emerged as a victim in the case, she could “be best described as an accomplice.”  In an interview with the Huffington Post, Galluzzo questioned if prosecuting incest was “intellectually consistent” with the repeal of anti-sodomy laws that resulted from Lawrence v. Texas in 2003. “What goes on between consenting adults in private should not be legislated,” he said. “That is not the proper domain of our law.”

Galluzzo continued: “If we assume for a moment that both parties [involved in incest] are consenting, then why are we prosecuting this?”


We all knew the normalization of homosexuality would eventually lead to this, didn’t we?  It was only a matter of time.

The reactions of the Huffpo’s Lib commenters provide us a few chuckles as well as insight.  Most of them (not all) seem as naturally outraged by this pervy behavior as the rest of us.  But allow yourself a knowing smile as you watch them wrestle with the why this consenting pedophilia is wrong.  They are unable to articulate it.

A multicultural X-MAS

A multicultural tree.

It seems I owe my readers an apology.  Lately, I’ve gone off on a tear about how multiculturalism actually means no culture at all, especially when it comes to wiping the public square clean of Christian culture during the holiday season.  You know, the whole “war on Christmas” bandwagon I’ve joined.  But I was hasty in that assessment and I’ve led you astray.  This I am man enough to admit, and I apologize.  Because it turns out multiculturalism REALLY DOES MEAN MANY CULTURES!

School: Christmas Tree Must Be Decorated With Jewish, Muslim Symbols

Ashland public schools can display a decorated pine tree if it is surrounded by symbols from other religious holidays, but they should not display a Christmas tree alone, in order to remain religiously neutral, Superintendent Juli Di Chiro told the School Board Monday.

District officials have implemented new holiday guidelines this year, after a controversy erupted at Bellview Elementary School last December over Principal Michelle Zundel’s removal of a holiday tree, because a family complained that it was a religious symbol. After dozens of parents and students protested the decision, Zundel replaced the tree, adding other winter decorations and allowing students to decorate the tree with symbols from their own religions.

“Something that was problematic was, we didn’t have any written guidelines for teachers and schools to use,” Di Chiro told the board.  A committee of elementary school parents, teachers and administrators helped create the district’s new guidelines over the past year, she said.


December 14, 2010

US Media & Leadership Sucking up to Jihadis, Persecuting Christians

The Fort Hood massacre has been tossed down the memory hole, and they still haven’t told us how and why it happened.  No huge investigations with the U.S. media waiting breathlessly to publish the results.  It just fell off the radar.   Here General Boykin tells us how the massacre happened and why it was deep sixed by the media establishment.

“holiday” vs “Christmas”

A war on Christmas?  Why, that’s just Christianist scaremongering, right Libturds? lol

ACLU Warns Schools to Say “Holiday” not “Christmas”

School superintendents across the state were reminded by the ACLU this week that holiday celebrations focusing primarily on one religious holiday amount to an unconstitutional endorsement of  religion. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) letter, addressed to 137 public shool leaders across the state, stated that it was responding to a number of complaints from families about school party activites this Christmas season.

Hedy Weinburg, ACLU executive director in Tennessee, cited several U.S. Supreme Court decisions about the matter.  But several area citizens, like Jim Brown, think that such admonitions are misguided and potentially dangerous.  Brown commented on the news, saying “We are a Christian nation.  Let’s act like it.”  and said that he hopes that the teachers and administration will celebrate the Christmas season.  

Said one area teacher (name withheld), “I respect people of different faiths, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to eliminate my own from my work and and my classroom.   I can enjoy Christmas as Christmas without worrying that I’m going to offend someone.   My money still says that I trust in God.   Are they going to stop me from using that, too?”

The letter was sent from the ACLU to the top administrators across the state.  What those administrators do with the information is yet to be seen.


Ain’t multiculturalism just grand!

If the Left stands for multiculturalism (you know, many cultures), then why is it that every year at about this time they do their utmost to erase Christian culture from the season?  Aren’t they for more cultures?  The fact is they don’t promote multiculturalism merely for culture’s sake.  This vile Leftist doctrine, rather, serves a darker purpose: the eradication of predominant Christianity which they believe stands between them and their earthly worker’s paradise.  They’re still fighting the European state-supported Church of old which, truthfully, did have it in for these bolsheviks.  That’s not the case here in America though, where institutional Christianity is not in bed with the capitalist system these bolshies lite seek to overturn.  So their hostility to Christianity– which kind of did make sense in Europe– is on a type of historical auto-pilot at this point, and this is how it manifests.

But it didn’t have to be this way, Lefties!  Your hatred is nothing more than a historical anachronism.  And it is to your detriment because the more you attack Judeo-Christian, the greater will be our resistance to your utopian schemes.

December 13, 2010

Swedish PM “not sure” bomb was Jihad

Swedish Prime Minister Frederick Reinfeldt

The Swedish remind me of little hobbits.  Mordor’s minions are running wild in the countryside and threaten an invasion of the Shire, and still its fat and comfortable inhabitants remain blind to the threat.  What is it with these secular progressives, these self-described members of the “reality-based community” who refuse to accept, well, reality.  A couple of days ago a suicide bomber exploded himself in the streets of Sweden hoping to take as many Secular Progressives with him as he possibly could.  Luckily nobody except for the splodey dope himself died, but only because the device went off prematurely.  There were emails warning of the attack in the name of Allah before the explosion, and emails giving credit to Allah subsequent to the attack.  And still the Swedish prime minister– like a secular progressive hobbit in denial– refuses to accept that Jihad has come to their lefty Utopia.

Swedish PM “Not Sure” if Islamist Threats Connected to Stockholm Bombing

In an interview with the BBC, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said he is “not sure” if e-mail threats sent minutes before two bombs exploded in downtown Stockholm are connected to yesterday’s bombing which killed the attacker and injured two civilians.

The threat stated in part, “Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you do not stop your stupid war against Islam.”

While Prime Minister Reinfeldt (the leader of Sweden’s ostensibly conservative Moderate Party) might not be sure if the e-mail threat and subsequent bombings are connected, an Islamist website is very sure.  The website, Shumukh al-Islam, identified the bomber as Taimour Abdulwahib Al-Abdaly.  The jihadist forum referred to Al-Abdaly as “our brother” and indicated that Al-Abdaly had “carried out the martyrdom operation in Stockholm.”

The Daily Mail reports that Al-Abdaly was born in Iraq, had moved to Sweden nearly twenty years ago and had attended university in England.  The British daily also indicated that Al-Abdaly had a history of expressing jihadist sympathies posting videos concerning the War in Iraq, Chechnya and Guantanamo Bay.

So is Prime Minister Reinfeldt still not sure if the e-mail threats are connected to the bombings?  He better not be because next time his people might not be so lucky.


December 12, 2010

Liberal Wanders into Muslim “No Go” Zone

LOL, multiculturalism.

Here a Libturd in Londonistan wanders into Muslim territory– a “No Go” zone– to chat with the local yoots, Multiculti hilarity ensues!


Indeed.  In twenty years Britain will be Pakistan, and London will be Beirut.

Holy War Looms in Eurabia

Islam has been trying to conquer the West for over a thousand years, so far to no avail.  But what they have failed to accomplish by force of arms, they now aim to achieve through multiculturalism and mass Islamic immigration. In effect, the Leftwing doctrine of multiculturalism is giving birth to a clash of civilizations within our own borders. You know the situation is reaching a critical state when even our own Liberal ankle-grabbers start getting anxious, as appears to be the case here.  Who will resist this cultural jihad?  Conservatives will!  For when a Lib joins the resistance he has defacto declared for conservatism.  And the situation WILL spiral out of control if we don’t act now.  We don’t want violence, and we don’t seek bloodshed.  Yet I predict it will come to this because the culture destroyers of the Left have seriously miscalculated if they believe a people will simply lay down and die while their culture– their “being”– is wiped clean.  History testifies to this.  CCHQ has previously warned of balkanization on a continental scale if this keeps up, and now this very language is being used in mainstream news outlets like this:

Islamists raise fears of violent ‘clash of cultures’ in Europe

LONDON — It is a Sunday night in London’s East End and the self-styled “most hated man in Britain” is holding court, reveling in his vision of a Taliban victory over America and a world under Islamic Shariah law.  The crowd of about 250 listens intently as Anjem Choudary issues a call to arms in the pristine surroundings of the newly refurbished art deco conference center, built to host weddings and business meetings.

“There are many battlefields,” he says calmly into a microphone. “There’s a battlefield outside 10 Downing Street [home to Britain’s prime minister] and in the mountains of the Tora Bora [in Afghanistan].”  Any man who fails to fight, he warns, will face difficulty when the “angel of death” arrives and he is forced to explain to Allah why he did not raise his hand “against the oppressor” out of fear. “Allah will say to him, ‘Am I not more worthy to be feared than them?'” Choudary says.

“Allahu Akbar!” the men shout out in unison, as if a war cry, during his speech. “Allahu Akbar.” God is great.  A group of women, all heavily veiled and sitting in a screened-off area, remain quiet throughout.  As former leader of the banned Islamist organizations al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK, Choudary was kept off the bill and appeared as the surprise star speaker at the rally.

His groups may be outlawed but, unlike his female followers, Choudary will not be silenced.  His message is one that echoes across Europe, which experts say is home to thousands of people who would wholeheartedly support Choudary’s “ultimate objective” — the “domination of the world by Islam.”

[But] a backlash is growing. Support for the far-right in normally liberal countries like Sweden and the Netherlands is on the rise. French lawmakers voted for a ban on full face veils. Protest groups, such as the English Defense League which has been linked to soccer hooligans, have made headlines.Le Beau warned of “an incipient clash of cultures.”  The consequences of another terrorist spectacular — intelligence reports recently warned an al-Qaida-linked group was planning to hit Western Europe with a commando-style raid like that on Mumbai, India — could be profound, he suggested.

“I could see that leading to a spontaneous violent reaction on the part of others. Could this spin out of control? Sure,” he said. “I think that would be very dangerous because … it runs the risk of sectarianizing or ‘Balkanizing’ Western Europe.”

Europe is home to ancient conflicts. The Balkans, which includes the former Yugoslavia, has been the scene of intermittent religious strife stretching back to the fall of Constantinople, now Istanbul, to the Muslim Ottoman Empire in 1453.  After the fall of Yugoslavian Communism, a resurgence of ethnic tensions led to the 1992-1995 Bosnian War, during which 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were massacred by Bosnian Serb forces in a single act of genocide.

The U.K., far removed from such turmoil, has a long tradition of tolerating other countries’ dissidents. In the 19th century, political philosopher Karl Marx took refuge in London after outraging authorities in his native Germany and France.  But that tradition has been frayed by the increasingly vocal presence of Islamists in the U.K.

Read the rest.

Below more Choudry and the growing threat of jihad in Europe.

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AP: “Terrorist” attack in Sweden

Police forensics expert at scene in Stockholm

Apparently Sweden isn’t Leftwing enough to stave off Islamic “blowback.”  Did you think you would be spared, Libs?  Do you actually believe your Liberalism and “openess” immunizes you from this?  This was supposed to end once the neocons of the Bush administration were expelled from office and Obama began to heal the planet.  And Sweden’s crime is what exactly?  Apparently they have 500 troops in Afghanistan as members of NATO (none engaged in combat), and their official “silence” regarding the Jyllands-Posten Mohammed cartoons.

The first thing you will notice about this article are the scare quotes the Associated Press uses for the word ‘terrorism.’  You see, everybody–even Swedish officials– acknowledge this attack was an act of terrorism, but I guess the AP isn’t yet convinced.  The perception shapers in the mainstream media would have you believe that calling acts of violence such as this ‘terrorism’ is mere supposition on the part of racists and fearmongers, while the AP only deals in “cold hard facts.”

The next thing you will notice is the sound of dislocating vertebrae as Swedish officials bend over backwards to minimize the public perception fallout lest it threaten their multicultural project.

Officials condemn “terrorist” attack in Sweden

STOCKHOLM – Two blasts that shook a busy shopping street in central Stockholm were an act of terrorism, officials said Sunday. If confirmed as a suicide bombing, it would be the first such attack in the Nordic country.  Police would not comment on a motive for the attack Saturday that killed the apparent bomber and wounded two other people. But a Swedish news agency said it received an e-mail threat just before the blast in which the writer claimed to have visited the Middle East “for jihad,” and referred to Sweden’s soldiers in Afghanistan and a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad that outraged the Muslim world.

The terror threat alert is not being raised from its current elevated level, although security police are investigating the attacks as “a crime of terror,” spokesman Anders Thornberg told reporters.  “When we go through the existing criteria and the series of events that occurred, it fits well within the description of a terror crime,” Thornberg said.  He declined to elaborate and gave no information about the dead man.

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt condemned the attack.  The attack “is unacceptable because Sweden is an open society and an open society which has stated a wish that people should be able to have different backgrounds, believe in different gods or not believe in any at all, and live side by side in our open society,” Reinfeldt said at a news conference.

He warned against speculation that “could lead to conclusions that create tension which paints pictures that are then difficult to change.” Carl Bildt, the foreign minister, said it was “a most worrying attempt at a terrorist attack.” Bildt commented in a Twitter message that it “failed — but could have been truly catastrophic.”

Thornberg did not confirm local media reports that the man who died had explosives strapped to his body. He also would not say if the man was a suspected suicide bomber as widely reported by Swedish media, saying police have “a totally clear picture about that” but were not sharing the information.


December 11, 2010

Leftists boycott Israeli Products

This one will nauseate you.  I couldn’t figure out whether I was infuriated at these tools, or just ashamed for them, their performance was so revoltingly bad.  Either way, my day was just ruined.  Here student activistas of the Left engage in a flash mob at a grocery store that sells Israeli products.  It’s called the Philly BDS (boycott, divest, sanction).  They are trying to turn Israel into a pariah state, and they are succeeding.  Here’s how you can respond to this nonsense– buy Israeli from time to time.

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