Counterculture Con HQ

October 10, 2011

Swiss Member of Parliament says Enough! to Islamization

Wow, this guy dispenses with the politically correct niceties and lowers the boom on the multiculturalists.   What Islam could not accomplish through almost a millennium of war and Jihad, it means to accomplish peacefully and non-violently through mass immigration and cultural Islamization of the West.  If we are stupid enough to let them do it, then perhaps we deserve what comes.

“Our political elites bend their neck before a certain religious dogma which is completely alien to our intellectual history, our values and rule of law.”

October 6, 2011

Pat Condell on The Great Palestinian Lie

Proving you don’t have to be a Jew or a Christian Zionist to be pro-Israel, you can’t dismiss this pro-Israel atheist as some rapture-ready kook “millenarian”.  Just try and refute him.

“The Arabs don’t hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews.”

October 2, 2011

The History of the Middle East Conflict in 11 Minutes

Arab representative during the 1919 Paris peace talks:

“We will push the Zionists into the sea, or they will push us back into the desert.”

Arab League Secretary General, Rahman Azan:

“This will be a war of extermination which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades.”

September 26, 2011

Bibi Slams the U.N. as a “theater of the absurd.”

This is what speaking truth to power REALLY looks like.  Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu delivers one of the tightest, most fact intensive political speeches I have ever heard.

Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East, is unjustly singled out for condemnation more often than all the nations of the world combined.  Is it possible that tiny Israel is worse than China, N. Korea, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Iran, Myanmar, etc., and the rest of the world’s dictatorships COMBINED?  Is that truly possible?  Seriously folks, the persecution of Israel by this corrupt world body held hostage by the Muslim block and Arab Oil, and populated by the worst thugocracies on the planet might almost be mistaken for apocalyptic.  It’s sick and bizarre.  Netanyahu warns of a malignancy that is sweeping the world called militant Islam (why is nobody else at the U.N. addressing this?) which opposes, not the policies of Israel, but its very existence.  He slams Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran for suggesting 9/11 was an American conspiracy, warns of the consequences should Iran acquire a WMD, the rise of militant Islam across the Middle East, and the creation of a Palestinian state.  Speaking about the U.N., he says:

This is an unfortunate part about the U.N. institution, it’s a theatre of the Absurd.  It doesn’t only cast Israel as the villain, it often casts REAL villains in leading roles.  Ghaddafi’s Libya chaired the U.N. commission on human rights.  Saddam Hussein’s Iraq headed the U.N. committee on disarmament.  Hesbollah controlled Lebanon now presides over the U.N. security council.   This means in effect that a terror organization presides over the body entrusted with guaranteeing world security [and recall Sudan’s comic/tragic membership on the U.N.’s human rights committee].  You couldn’t make this stuff up.

Netanyahu addresses the claim by President Abbas that the core of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is the “settlements”:

Well, that’s odd.  Our conflict was raging for nearly half a century before there was a single Israeli settlement in the West Bank.  So if what President Abbas says is true, then I guess the “settlements” he’s talking about are Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jaffa, Beersheva.  Maybe that’s what he meant when he said the other day that Israel has been occupying Palestinian land for sixty-three years.  He didn’t say from 1967, he said from 1948.  It illustrates a simple truth — the core of the conflict is not the settlements.  The core of the conflict is the refusal of the Palestinians to recognize the Jewish state in ANY border.

Responding to demands that Israel make a “sweeping” offer in order to secure peace he says:

There’s only one problem with that theory.  We’ve tried it and it hasn’t worked.  In 2000 we made a sweeping peace offer that met virtually all of the Palestinian demands.  Arafat rejected it.  Palestinians then launched a campaign of terror that claimed a thousand Israeli lives.  Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made an even more sweeping offer to the Palestinians.  President Abbas didn’t even respond to it. 

But Israel has made more than just sweeping offers:

We have actually conceded territory.  We withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, and from every square inch of Gaza in 2005.  We left Gaza hoping for peace.  We didn’t freeze the settlements in Gaza, we uprooted them.  That didn’t calm the militant Islamic storm that threatens us.  It only brought the storm closer and made it stronger.  Hesbollah and Hamas fired thousands of rockets against our cities from the very territories we vacated.  When Israel left Lebanon and Gaza, the moderates didn’t defeat the radicals, the moderates were DEVOURED by the radicals.

On the consequences of Israel’s concessions:

We did exactly what the theory says.  And I don’t think people remember how far we went to achieve this.  And then having done all that, we gave the keys of Gaza to President Abbas.  You can all remember the world applauded the withdrawal as an act of great statesmanship.  As a bold act of peace.  Now, the theory says it should all work out.  But ladies and gentlemen, we didn’t get peace, we got war.  We got Iran, which through its proxy Hamas promptly kicked out the Palestinian Authority in one day.

On a Palestinian state in the West Bank:

President Abbas says the Palestinians are armed only with their hopes and dreams.  Yup.  Hopes, dreams, and ten thousand missiles and grad rockets supplied by Iran, not to mention the river of lethal weapons now flowing into Gaza from the Sinai, from Libya and elsewhere.  Thousands of missiles have already rained down on our cities. So you might understand, given all this, Israelis rightly ask what’s to prevent all this from happening again from the West Bank.  Israel is prepared to have a Palestinian state in the West Bank, but we are not prepared to have another Gaza there.

And he was just getting started.  I haven’t quite understood why Abbas declaring a Palestinian state in the West Bank was so threatening to the Israelis, but I get it now.  Makes perfect sense why peace must be achieving FIRST, before statehood is awarded to the Palestinians, which he explains here.  The consequences otherwise could quite literally mean the start of a regional war.

Full transcript here.

July 23, 2011

Norwegian massacre a public relations disaster to the Conservative movement

Neo-Nazi fruit cake Anders Behring Breivik

CCHQ offers its deepest condolences and prayers to the victims of this attack.  It doesn’t matter that Leftism also has its wackjobs, the Norwegian massacre is a public relations disaster of epic proportions for the Conservative movement.  We just got NUKED.  Henceforth and for decades to come, anybody who counts himself as a conservative, Christian, or who opposes mass Islamic immigration will be linked by our opponents on the Left to this monster and his crimes.  Every time you raise the spectre of Jihad, the Left will counter with Anders Behring Breivik. This comes at a time when the conservative movement was making real inroads in what has been a staunchly Leftist Europe.  This mad man has done for Islam what 1,000 Muslim terrorists couldn’t have done– crippled the Right and strengthened the Left.  And Lefties know it.  And not because any sane Leftist actually believes the likes of Breivik represent conservatives in general, no, but that won’t stop them from using him in their vile bloodsport of destroying conservatives at any cost.  They wouldn’t dream of letting a crisis like this go to waste.

Norwegian massacre gunman was a right-wing extremist who hated Muslims

The man responsible for the massacre in Norway was a member of a Swedish nazi forum which encourages attacks on government buildings.  It was also revealed by local police that he had extreme right wing views who hated Muslims.  According to Swedish website Expo Anders Behring Breivik is a member of ‘Nordisk’ which has 22,000 members and focuses on political terrorism.

Officers also found a series of raving internet posts by the 32-year-old, who has been charged with two counts of terrorism after gunning down children on the island of Utoya and detonating a bomb in Oslo yesterday.  Media reports in Norway described Breivik as a ‘loner’, who lived with his mother in a wealthy suburb of west Oslo, was well-educated and enjoyed hunting.

Only a few days ago he set up a Twitter account and posted a single message: ‘One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests’.  It is attributed to the English philosopher John Stuart Mill, whose concept of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control.  The account appears to have only been set up a few days ago.

On his Facebook profile, Breivik describes himself as a Christian and a conservative.  It also listed interests such as body-building and freemasonry.

Breivik is believed to have grown up in Oslo, and studied at the Oslo School of Management.  He later appears to have moved out of the city and established Breivik Geofarm, a company believed to be an organic farm.  It specialised in melons and root vegetables. There is speculation among the media in Norway that this may have allowed him easy access to fertiliser, an ingredient used in bomb-making.  Along with the farm, he also appears to own a flat in Oslo. Breivik had no military background except for ordinary national service and no criminal record.

It is thought that the 32-year-old is a former member of Labour’s opposition youth party, Fremskrittspartiet.  According the website, Breivik expressed extremist Islamophobic views on forums and criticised immigration policies.  He argued on a Swedish news website that the media were not critical enough about Islam and claimed that Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom in the Netherlands was the only ‘true’ party of conservatives.  He argued that socialism was breaking down traditions, culture, national identity and other societal structures and that this in turn made society weak and confused.

June 19, 2011

Leftists: So what if the West is becoming Muslim

The multiculti Left is ideologically and, more importantly, emotionally invested in disproving the Islamization of the West.  BUT, they say, even assuming the West is going muzzie, so what?  It’s just another construct.

May 29, 2011

Hateful facts: Virtually ALL rapes in Oslo last year committed by “Non-Westerners”

These facts are “hateful” because they don’t conform to the Liberal orthodoxy of multiculturalism.  From the Diversity is Strength™ files: In Oslo all sexual assaults involving rape in the past year have been committed by men of non-western background.  This was the conclusion of a police report published today.  This means that every single rape assault in the last five years, where the rapist could be identified, he was a man of foreign origin. 

Ain’t multiculturalism just grand!  The terms “non-Western” and “foreign” in this context means Middle Eastern and Muslim.

Who cares if your women are being raped, at least you have a large selection of ethnic restaurants at which to wine and dine them!  What is happening to Scandinavian women reminds me of something in one of CCHQ’s very first posts over a year ago.  From The Wilding of Sarah Palin, an old school feminist lamenting the damage feminism has caused to women also has a few choice words for Liberal men:

Like for most feminists, it was a no-brainer for me to become a Democrat. Liberal men, not conservatives, were the ones devoted to women’s issues. They marched at my side in support of abortion rights. They were enthusiastic about women succeeding in the workplace.

As time went on, I had many experiences that should have made me rethink my certainty. But I remained nestled in cognitive dissonance — therapy jargon for not wanting to see what I didn’t want to see.

One clue: the miscreants who were brutalizing me didn’t exactly look Reagan-esque. In middle and high schools, they were minority kids enraged about forced busing. On the streets of New York City and Berkeley, they were derelicts and hoodlums.

Another red flag: while liberal men did indeed hold up those picket signs, they didn’t do anything else to protect me. In fact, their social programs enabled bad behavior and bred chaos in urban America. And when I was accosted by thugs, those leftist men were missing in action.

What else should have tipped me off? Perhaps the fact that so many men in ultra-left Berkeley are sleazebags. Rarely a week goes by that I don’t hear stories from my young female clients about middle-aged men preying on them. With the rationale of moral relativism, these creeps feel they can do anything they please.

Bottom line?  The socialist/Leftist/Liberal men of Europe who’ve decided mass Islamic immigration is the way to go CAN’T/WON’T DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT THEIR WOMEN.  They are missing in action.

January 15, 2011

Scandinavians Grow Uneasy about Their Dhimmitude

When the most tolerant people on the planet start to worry about their growing dhimmitude, you know things are reaching a head.  Geert Wilders is on trial for saying what these people are thinking, but dare not say out loud.  We don’t dare speak our minds because we’re naturally afraid of sounding “racist”, and worse, racists who are wrong.  It’s too sensitive an issue.  So we watch and wait for things to become more clear before we commit.  Or we keep our mouths shut and let others take the heat.  But unfortunately by the time it becomes clear enough to make a decision, we’ll be too far gone down this road.  It’ll be too late.  By then any decision we face making about Muslim immigration will be far, far, more drastic than any we have to make now.  And because the more urgent the situation becomes with time, the more drastic the solution it will eventually require, we will never commit to it.  Our humanity won’t allow it.  We will simply resign ourselves to the inevitable.  Thus we are facing, quite literally, the end of Western civilization as we know it.

January 1, 2011

Wikileaks: Muslim Immigrants are extremist and Lazy

Wikileaks is racist and Islamophobic.

Hey, it’s in Wikileaks, so it must be true!

1 in 3 British Muslim Students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law

Around a third of young British Muslims favour killing in the name of Islam, according to a survey revealed by the WikiLeaks’ publication of U.S. diplomatic cables.  A survey of 600 Muslim students at 30 universities throughout Britain found that 32 per cent of Muslim respondents believed killing in the name of religion is justified.

A U.S. diplomatic cable from January 2009 quoted a poll by the Centre for Social Cohesion as saying 54 per cent wanted a Muslim party to represent their world view in Parliament and 40 per cent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law. The survey results, revealed by WikiLeaks’ release of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables, suggests increasing radicalisation among Britain’s young Muslims.

A further U.S. cable, dated February 5 2009, said reaching out to Britain’s Muslim community there was a ‘top priority’ for U.S. embassy staff.  It stated: ‘Although people of Muslim faith make up only 3 to 4 per cent of the UK’s population, outreach to this key audience is vital to U.S. foreign policy interests in the UK and beyond… This is a top mission priority.’

The February cable outlined a plan encompassing ‘engagement and community capacity-building’ to counter the possible growth of ‘violent extremism’ in the UK.  The outreach plan for British Muslims was published a month after a cable that revealed that while the community had grown to more than 2 million, unemployment rates were higher among Muslim men and women than in any other religion.

Muslims were also found to have the highest disability rates – with 24 per cent of men and 21 per cent of women claiming a disability – while the cable also cited statistics claiming Muslims were also the most likely group to be unavailable for work or not actively seeking employment due to illness, their studies or family commitments.

It was revealed last week that a U.S. cable from 2006 had suggested the British Government had made ‘little progress’ in engaging Muslims and combating homegrown extremism.

And the latest cable revelations of U.S. ambassadorial plan to empower Muslim communities to ‘mobilize against extremism’ and ‘build community resilience’ confirms the White House’s lack of faith in the British Government’s ability to engage with the UK’s Islamic population.


December 28, 2010

MULTI-CULTI: Teacher is sued by Muslims for speaking about ham in class

The big pernil.

Wow, our Muslim immigrants are so oppressed!  Since before the age of refrigeration, a staple of the Spanish diet has been the salted ham.  Salt keeps the meat from spoiling for months and perhaps even years.  And that’s why the Spaniards have been eating it since time immemorial.  But all that will be a thing of the past under the New Caliphate.  Below, an inkling of things to come as Europe slowly but surely becomes Islamized.

According to the account of the facts, the teacher was explaining the different climates in a geography class and cited the village of Trevelez due to its cold and dry climate. According to the newspaper account, ”as a story, the teacher told his students that such a climate was conducive to making hams (this refers to the procedure that it’s necessary between the pig is killed and the ham is actually ready to be eaten). Then the student asked the teacher not to speak of hams since it offended him, because he was a Muslim. ”

The teacher told the students that in his classes, he did not consider the religion of their students, but apparently the family did not stay at home when they learned the facts, to the extent that they went to the National Police to file a complaint without speaking in advance with the teacher.

According to ”El Diario de Cádiz“, the teacher “is accused of being the author of an alleged crime of abuse of workers, also alleging racist and xenophobic motives. “ His school colleagues can’t believe what has happened and speak about the impeccable record of teaching reported.


December 27, 2010

DC Comics French superhero is…Muslim from Algeria

Muslim superhero, Nightrunner

Just when you thought modern Liberalism couldn’t outdo itself.  Via Big Hollywood, political correctness at its most absurd.  DC Comics should change it’s name to PC comics.  Their new “French” superhero is an Algerian immigrant who — get this– prays to Allah.  You got it– a Muslim superhero (any Bible-believing superheros in the DC pantheon?)  What’s more, this superhero saves France from “neo-nazis” and other assorted whiteys, but not Muslim extremists!  lol.  Come to think of it, the whole thing makes perfect sense–France will soon be Muslim, and apparently there isn’t a Frenchman with the balls to stand up to this, let alone qualify for superhero status.  In other words, DC comics is way ahead of the curve.

Meet the New Batman: An Algerian Muslim Who Saves France from Nazis and Communists

DC Comics recently launched a series called “Batman Incorporated.” Essentially, Bruce Wayne (well-known as Batman’s alter ego to comics fans) is cruising the world setting up a “Batman” for major cities across the globe. These Batman figures, though, will not be vigilantes. They will be sanctioned by whatever local police force is in charge of the area in which the new Batman is operating.

The story reveals to us a cult-like group that is assassinating France’s fringe political figures. The cult’s goal is to cause unrest and riots to be led by the murdered political figure’s followers. This group hypnotizes its members to kill and then to commit suicide so that the cult cannot be discovered.

Batman turns to a man that he helped police arrest earlier in part one. When first encountered the young man was dressed in a skin-tight, black costume and sported a face mask. Batman arrested him when this man tried to involve himself in some rioting. Batman didn’t know the young masked man was actually trying to stop the riot but later learns of his good intentions. Consequently the Dark Knight decides to put this man to work to help stop the cult that is assassinating French political figures and causing riots.

In the course of this story Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, decides that this man should become the French representative of Batman Incorporated. As Wayne styles the man, he’ll be the “French savior.” He ends up calling himself Nightrunner.

So what’s wrong with all this? Only that it is completely absurd and so badly misleads people from any understanding of why riots are really going on in France that it almost qualifies as a crime itself.

You see, DC Comics has decided that the “French savior,” the French Batman is to be a Muslim immigrant. The character’s name is Bilal Asselah and he is an Algerian Sunni Muslim and an immigrant that is physically fit and adept at gymnastic sport Parkour. Apparently Batman couldn’t find any actual Frenchman to be the “French savior.”

The whole situation is a misreading of what ails France. The truth is, neither communist Union members nor “Neo-Nazi” Parties are causing riots in France. Muslims are. Yet DC Comics is absurdly making a Muslim immigrant the “French savior”? This is PCism at its worst. Not only that but it is pretty condescending to France, too. France is a proud nation. Yet DC Comics has made a foreigner the “French savior.” This will not sit well with many Frenchmen, for sure. Nor should it.


December 16, 2010

Moslem/Leftist Convergence: Eric Holder Sues School that denied Moslem Teacher Mecca Pilgrimage

Mecca: infidels not welcome.

Attorney General Eric Holder has filed suit against an Illinois school district that refused to grant three weeks leave to a Moslem teacher to make the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca.  Holder claims it’s a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (you know, “racism”).  Stay tuned for CCHQ’s take on this latest multicultural atrocity from the Left.

Muslim teacher sues U.S. school for denying her three weeks leave to make Haj to Mecca

A school district is being sued for not allowing a Muslim teacher to take unpaid leave to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.  The Federal Government has brought the case on behalf of Safoorah Khan, claiming that it is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

It is the duty of every Muslim to join the million of pilgrims at the Hajj in Mecca at least once in their lifetime – and the middle school teacher had hoped to go in 2008.  Khan had started at Berkeley School, in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, in 2007 and asked for unpaid leave of three weeks to visit Saudi Arabia.

After the education district twice denied her request, Khan wrote to the board that ‘based on her religious beliefs, she could not justify delaying performing Hajj’.  She resigned shortly thereafter, according to the lawsuit filed in federal court.

Federal prosecutors say the leave was unrelated to her professional duties and was not set forth in the contract between the school district and the teachers’ union, thus violating her civil rights.  Berkeley School District compelled Khan to choose between her job and her religious beliefs, the lawsuit said.

The government asked the court to order the school district to adopt policies that reasonably accommodate its employees’ religious practices and beliefs, and to reinstate Khan with back pay and also pay her compensatory damages.

In November 2008, Khan filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which found reasonable cause that discrimination had occurred and forwarded the matter to the U.S. Justice Department.  The school district would not comment.


Two things that should jump out at you: Barack Obama will spare no effort in kissing up to the Moslem world, and Moslems in the West slowly worming their sharia law into our system.  Slowly but surely, the Left is mainstreaming the fringe.  That’s what they do.  That’s ALL they do.

Mind you, this is the same Eric Holder who refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for a clear-cut case of voter intimidation back in ’08.  The accused are black, the complainants were white– enough said about that.  Yet he finds time in his busy schedule to apply the might of the federal government to sue a school district for this.  A Leftist, after all, has his priorities!

The next thing that should kick you in the gut is the irony of these Leftists– who spare no effort in subverting Christian religious holidays in our schools, all for the sake of “inclusion” and “separation of church and state”– suing on behalf of a Moslem teacher who wants to travel to Mecca for a religious pilgrimage, a “holy” city where virtually all of this teacher’s students are considered filthy kaffirs/infidels, and are therefore unwelcome.  How very “inclusive”, wouldn’t you say!  You could get your head chopped off for traveling to Mecca without express permission if you aren’t a Moslem.  Nice field trip that would make!

Finally, the length of time this woman is asking for– THREE WEEKS — would normally be considered immensely disruptive to any classroom which then has to settle for a substitute teacher to make due while she’s gone.  This apparently matters less than a damn to this “caring” school teacher, and even less to the Eric Holder.  Ain’t multiculturalism just grand!  Gotta love the Left and politically correct garbage they keep coming up with.

December 15, 2010

A multicultural X-MAS

A multicultural tree.

It seems I owe my readers an apology.  Lately, I’ve gone off on a tear about how multiculturalism actually means no culture at all, especially when it comes to wiping the public square clean of Christian culture during the holiday season.  You know, the whole “war on Christmas” bandwagon I’ve joined.  But I was hasty in that assessment and I’ve led you astray.  This I am man enough to admit, and I apologize.  Because it turns out multiculturalism REALLY DOES MEAN MANY CULTURES!

School: Christmas Tree Must Be Decorated With Jewish, Muslim Symbols

Ashland public schools can display a decorated pine tree if it is surrounded by symbols from other religious holidays, but they should not display a Christmas tree alone, in order to remain religiously neutral, Superintendent Juli Di Chiro told the School Board Monday.

District officials have implemented new holiday guidelines this year, after a controversy erupted at Bellview Elementary School last December over Principal Michelle Zundel’s removal of a holiday tree, because a family complained that it was a religious symbol. After dozens of parents and students protested the decision, Zundel replaced the tree, adding other winter decorations and allowing students to decorate the tree with symbols from their own religions.

“Something that was problematic was, we didn’t have any written guidelines for teachers and schools to use,” Di Chiro told the board.  A committee of elementary school parents, teachers and administrators helped create the district’s new guidelines over the past year, she said.


December 14, 2010

US Media & Leadership Sucking up to Jihadis, Persecuting Christians

The Fort Hood massacre has been tossed down the memory hole, and they still haven’t told us how and why it happened.  No huge investigations with the U.S. media waiting breathlessly to publish the results.  It just fell off the radar.   Here General Boykin tells us how the massacre happened and why it was deep sixed by the media establishment.

December 13, 2010

Swedish PM “not sure” bomb was Jihad

Swedish Prime Minister Frederick Reinfeldt

The Swedish remind me of little hobbits.  Mordor’s minions are running wild in the countryside and threaten an invasion of the Shire, and still its fat and comfortable inhabitants remain blind to the threat.  What is it with these secular progressives, these self-described members of the “reality-based community” who refuse to accept, well, reality.  A couple of days ago a suicide bomber exploded himself in the streets of Sweden hoping to take as many Secular Progressives with him as he possibly could.  Luckily nobody except for the splodey dope himself died, but only because the device went off prematurely.  There were emails warning of the attack in the name of Allah before the explosion, and emails giving credit to Allah subsequent to the attack.  And still the Swedish prime minister– like a secular progressive hobbit in denial– refuses to accept that Jihad has come to their lefty Utopia.

Swedish PM “Not Sure” if Islamist Threats Connected to Stockholm Bombing

In an interview with the BBC, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said he is “not sure” if e-mail threats sent minutes before two bombs exploded in downtown Stockholm are connected to yesterday’s bombing which killed the attacker and injured two civilians.

The threat stated in part, “Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you do not stop your stupid war against Islam.”

While Prime Minister Reinfeldt (the leader of Sweden’s ostensibly conservative Moderate Party) might not be sure if the e-mail threat and subsequent bombings are connected, an Islamist website is very sure.  The website, Shumukh al-Islam, identified the bomber as Taimour Abdulwahib Al-Abdaly.  The jihadist forum referred to Al-Abdaly as “our brother” and indicated that Al-Abdaly had “carried out the martyrdom operation in Stockholm.”

The Daily Mail reports that Al-Abdaly was born in Iraq, had moved to Sweden nearly twenty years ago and had attended university in England.  The British daily also indicated that Al-Abdaly had a history of expressing jihadist sympathies posting videos concerning the War in Iraq, Chechnya and Guantanamo Bay.

So is Prime Minister Reinfeldt still not sure if the e-mail threats are connected to the bombings?  He better not be because next time his people might not be so lucky.


December 12, 2010

Liberal Wanders into Muslim “No Go” Zone

LOL, multiculturalism.

Here a Libturd in Londonistan wanders into Muslim territory– a “No Go” zone– to chat with the local yoots, Multiculti hilarity ensues!


Indeed.  In twenty years Britain will be Pakistan, and London will be Beirut.

Holy War Looms in Eurabia

Islam has been trying to conquer the West for over a thousand years, so far to no avail.  But what they have failed to accomplish by force of arms, they now aim to achieve through multiculturalism and mass Islamic immigration. In effect, the Leftwing doctrine of multiculturalism is giving birth to a clash of civilizations within our own borders. You know the situation is reaching a critical state when even our own Liberal ankle-grabbers start getting anxious, as appears to be the case here.  Who will resist this cultural jihad?  Conservatives will!  For when a Lib joins the resistance he has defacto declared for conservatism.  And the situation WILL spiral out of control if we don’t act now.  We don’t want violence, and we don’t seek bloodshed.  Yet I predict it will come to this because the culture destroyers of the Left have seriously miscalculated if they believe a people will simply lay down and die while their culture– their “being”– is wiped clean.  History testifies to this.  CCHQ has previously warned of balkanization on a continental scale if this keeps up, and now this very language is being used in mainstream news outlets like this:

Islamists raise fears of violent ‘clash of cultures’ in Europe

LONDON — It is a Sunday night in London’s East End and the self-styled “most hated man in Britain” is holding court, reveling in his vision of a Taliban victory over America and a world under Islamic Shariah law.  The crowd of about 250 listens intently as Anjem Choudary issues a call to arms in the pristine surroundings of the newly refurbished art deco conference center, built to host weddings and business meetings.

“There are many battlefields,” he says calmly into a microphone. “There’s a battlefield outside 10 Downing Street [home to Britain’s prime minister] and in the mountains of the Tora Bora [in Afghanistan].”  Any man who fails to fight, he warns, will face difficulty when the “angel of death” arrives and he is forced to explain to Allah why he did not raise his hand “against the oppressor” out of fear. “Allah will say to him, ‘Am I not more worthy to be feared than them?'” Choudary says.

“Allahu Akbar!” the men shout out in unison, as if a war cry, during his speech. “Allahu Akbar.” God is great.  A group of women, all heavily veiled and sitting in a screened-off area, remain quiet throughout.  As former leader of the banned Islamist organizations al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK, Choudary was kept off the bill and appeared as the surprise star speaker at the rally.

His groups may be outlawed but, unlike his female followers, Choudary will not be silenced.  His message is one that echoes across Europe, which experts say is home to thousands of people who would wholeheartedly support Choudary’s “ultimate objective” — the “domination of the world by Islam.”

[But] a backlash is growing. Support for the far-right in normally liberal countries like Sweden and the Netherlands is on the rise. French lawmakers voted for a ban on full face veils. Protest groups, such as the English Defense League which has been linked to soccer hooligans, have made headlines.Le Beau warned of “an incipient clash of cultures.”  The consequences of another terrorist spectacular — intelligence reports recently warned an al-Qaida-linked group was planning to hit Western Europe with a commando-style raid like that on Mumbai, India — could be profound, he suggested.

“I could see that leading to a spontaneous violent reaction on the part of others. Could this spin out of control? Sure,” he said. “I think that would be very dangerous because … it runs the risk of sectarianizing or ‘Balkanizing’ Western Europe.”

Europe is home to ancient conflicts. The Balkans, which includes the former Yugoslavia, has been the scene of intermittent religious strife stretching back to the fall of Constantinople, now Istanbul, to the Muslim Ottoman Empire in 1453.  After the fall of Yugoslavian Communism, a resurgence of ethnic tensions led to the 1992-1995 Bosnian War, during which 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were massacred by Bosnian Serb forces in a single act of genocide.

The U.K., far removed from such turmoil, has a long tradition of tolerating other countries’ dissidents. In the 19th century, political philosopher Karl Marx took refuge in London after outraging authorities in his native Germany and France.  But that tradition has been frayed by the increasingly vocal presence of Islamists in the U.K.

Read the rest.

Below more Choudry and the growing threat of jihad in Europe.

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AP: “Terrorist” attack in Sweden

Police forensics expert at scene in Stockholm

Apparently Sweden isn’t Leftwing enough to stave off Islamic “blowback.”  Did you think you would be spared, Libs?  Do you actually believe your Liberalism and “openess” immunizes you from this?  This was supposed to end once the neocons of the Bush administration were expelled from office and Obama began to heal the planet.  And Sweden’s crime is what exactly?  Apparently they have 500 troops in Afghanistan as members of NATO (none engaged in combat), and their official “silence” regarding the Jyllands-Posten Mohammed cartoons.

The first thing you will notice about this article are the scare quotes the Associated Press uses for the word ‘terrorism.’  You see, everybody–even Swedish officials– acknowledge this attack was an act of terrorism, but I guess the AP isn’t yet convinced.  The perception shapers in the mainstream media would have you believe that calling acts of violence such as this ‘terrorism’ is mere supposition on the part of racists and fearmongers, while the AP only deals in “cold hard facts.”

The next thing you will notice is the sound of dislocating vertebrae as Swedish officials bend over backwards to minimize the public perception fallout lest it threaten their multicultural project.

Officials condemn “terrorist” attack in Sweden

STOCKHOLM – Two blasts that shook a busy shopping street in central Stockholm were an act of terrorism, officials said Sunday. If confirmed as a suicide bombing, it would be the first such attack in the Nordic country.  Police would not comment on a motive for the attack Saturday that killed the apparent bomber and wounded two other people. But a Swedish news agency said it received an e-mail threat just before the blast in which the writer claimed to have visited the Middle East “for jihad,” and referred to Sweden’s soldiers in Afghanistan and a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad that outraged the Muslim world.

The terror threat alert is not being raised from its current elevated level, although security police are investigating the attacks as “a crime of terror,” spokesman Anders Thornberg told reporters.  “When we go through the existing criteria and the series of events that occurred, it fits well within the description of a terror crime,” Thornberg said.  He declined to elaborate and gave no information about the dead man.

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt condemned the attack.  The attack “is unacceptable because Sweden is an open society and an open society which has stated a wish that people should be able to have different backgrounds, believe in different gods or not believe in any at all, and live side by side in our open society,” Reinfeldt said at a news conference.

He warned against speculation that “could lead to conclusions that create tension which paints pictures that are then difficult to change.” Carl Bildt, the foreign minister, said it was “a most worrying attempt at a terrorist attack.” Bildt commented in a Twitter message that it “failed — but could have been truly catastrophic.”

Thornberg did not confirm local media reports that the man who died had explosives strapped to his body. He also would not say if the man was a suspected suicide bomber as widely reported by Swedish media, saying police have “a totally clear picture about that” but were not sharing the information.


December 9, 2010

Charles the Hammer, Savior of Christianity in the West

History is my passion, and this is one of its turning points.  After the fall of Rome and during what is today known as the “Dark Ages”, Islam– through force of arms alone– was ascendant and making what would be the first of its many incursions into the Christian West.  In the year 711, the Islamic tide crossed the straights of Gibraltar, quickly and easily overcoming the poorly organized Visigothic tribes of Iberia who stood up to resist them.  The defeat– so utter and complete at the hands of this unstoppable Islamic force– handed virtually the entire peninsula into 700 years of real darkness, I don’t care how the Caliphate of Al-Andalus is described today by modern scholars.  But the ever expansionist Religion of Peace was not yet finished with Europe.  In 732, they crossed the Pyrenees into France and proceeded with their conquest of Europe and its barbarian rabble.  What the Moslems had not counted on was that the Frankish tribes were not the disorganized hordes they had faced in the Visigoths.  Under Charles Martel– a general of the Merovingian kings– the Franks had been quietly building a standing army to match the conquering juggernaut Islam was hurling against them.  Christian and Muslim met in the field of battle at Tours in southern France where the armies of Islam were utterly vanquished.  It was one of the critical victories over Islam in Europe which might have turned out very differently but for that one very specific man of resolve, the kind of man who seem to appear at the right time and place by the grace of God.  So grave was the Islamic threat, and so glorious Martel’s victory, that after the battle he was crowned king.  His dynasty later gave rise to emperor Charlemagne– Carolus Magnus— who earned his title by attempting to single-handedly raise the West from the decline into which it had fallen.  Sadly, their efforts may have been for naught.  Demographic trends indicate that everything men like this fought to preserve will be lost to Islam in this century without a shot being fired thanks to our declining fertility rates and mass Islamic immigration.

December 6, 2010

The Religion of Projection

Smells like Teen Jihad.

Jihad in a nutshell:  the West insults our religion, they take our lands, they rape our women.

Teen arrested in Oregon car bomb plot led 2 lives

CORVALLIS, Ore. – The plot described by the FBI was horrific: a 19-year-old Somali-born Muslim with a grudge against the West, ready to kill and maim thousands at a busy Portland Christmas tree lighting ceremony.  But while the FBI describes Mohamed Osman Mohamud as a would-be terrorist, there were few hints of that hidden life to Mohamud’s friends, who knew him as “Mo,” a quiet, suburban teen who liked to drink gin and play video games.

The teen who allegedly thought he was going to kill thousands of people the day after Thanksgiving in the name of Islamic radicalism is the same one who, three days earlier, wrote and read a Kwanzaa poem about unity with two Christian college students.  Court documents and Mohamud’s friends describe the slender Somali-American as juggling contradictory lives — that of an immigrant struggling to fit in and a Muslim who had become radicalized and was bent on holy war.

In a cell phone video obtained and aired by Portland station KPTV last week, Mohamud rants against the West.  “You know what the whole West thing is? They want to insult our religion,” he says in the video, which the station says was recorded May 22 in an OSU dorm room. “They want to take our lands. They want to rape our women.”

Shelby Turner, a former OSU classmate, said she remembers “Mo Mo” as a funny if awkward student.  “I remember him always saying `hi’ and giving me nicknames like `Shelbs,’ ” Turner told the AP. “He was smart when he wanted to be. But socially, he never fit except with a few other kids like him.”


We rape their women?  Really?  Why the heck would we rape their women, they’re a bunch of nasty old skanks.  They’re hairier than their men, for crissakes.  It’s like the frikin Yucatan forest under that burka.  Like they’ve got Bin Laden in a leg lock.  We’re not raping their women, they’re raping ours! And we’re stealing their lands?  Really?  Why in the heck would we want those filthy sewers in the first place.  Just sell us your damn oil is all we want.  In fact the only ones taking someone’s land is them, with demographers projecting an Islamic Europe in this century. The fact is their hatred of the infidel is pure projection.  What they accuse YOU of doing is exactly what THEY’RE doing.

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